Our Services

Hakuba47 Ski Academy International offers amazing ski and snowboard lesson experiences at Hakuba47 as well as ski resorts in Hakuba Valley.

Group Lesson

Lesson Hours
Half Day 10,000 yen
Full Day 18,000 yen

Meet at our school centre at Hakuba47.

Private Lesson

2hr 25,000 yen
3hr 35,000 yen
4hr 45,000 yen
5hr 55,000 yen
6hr 65,000 yen
Options: other mountains, 4+in group
Powder Tree Riding Zone


Helmet 500 yen
Goggles 500 yen
Gloves 500 yen
Wrist Guard 500 yen

With our lessons, guests can hire ski or snowboard sets for 2,500 yen (normal price 4,700 yen) a day of lessons from our rental shop. (snow clothes are also available.)

Company Information

Company Information

Hakuba47 Ski Academy International is located at School Centre, the base area of Hakuba47, right in front of the bus stops. Learn to ski & snowboard at Hakuba47 or in Hakuba Valley with awesome lessons, packages & programs for all ages above 4 & abilities. From your very first time on the snow to perfecting a new skill, there's a lesson here for you! Our lessons will be held in English. However, some of our instructors can also speak Chinese, French, Dutch, Danish, German, Italian, Greek etc. Please ask for availability. If you're taking your very first steps onto the snow, strapping on a snowboard or clicking into skis for the first time, our amazing experienced ski and snowboard instructors will get you sliding in no time! Master all the basics for the first day with full day lesson. Have lessons in a group or privately – the choice is yours.

Happy Customers

Cloud computing subscription model out of the box proactive solution.

Great Deal

Tree Riding Zone / Tree Zone Experience
Within the official boundaries of Hakuba 47 resort there are some ‘members only’ tree riding zones. If you are riding an unpatrolled tree riding zone for the first time, this might be a good program for you as there are some crevasse and drops to deal with. Our instructors will take you to the members’ only tree riding zones when they are open and teach you how to start riding in the deep powder.
2 hours: from 25,000 yen
3 hours: from 35,000 yen
* For intermediate or above riders
* Both ski and snowboard instructors are available
* The price above is for up to 2 people. There is a 4,000 yen charge for each extra person


Snow Park Lesson
Would like to learn how to play at the snow park?
Hakuba47 has one of the biggest snowpark in Hakuba Valley and in Nagano Prefecture. Want to learn some tricks starting from ground tricks, jumps (kickers), half pipe, rails and boxes? Come and join us.
2 hour: 25,000 yen
3 hour: 35,000 yen



  • Personal Responsibility

    Hakuba47 Ski Academy International ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK AND ASSUMPTION OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Agreement of Parent / Guardian required if participant is under 18 Agreement Please read the conditions carefully and agree to them prior to the lesson. I understand that there are some risks, such as unforeseeable or unavoidable injury to myself or a thirdRead more about Personal Responsibility[…]

    Read more Personal Responsibility

    Hakuba47 Ski Academy International – Hakuba Ski & Snowboard School (English, 中文)

    A Hakuba Ski School that offers both group and private lessons from first time to tree riding / park experience. 5 Reasons to choose Hakuba47 Ski Academy International for your lessons; 1.  The only ski school that can offer “Internationally” recognized badge tests (conforming to International Ski Instructors Association (ISIA) standards) in Hakuba Valley. 2. Read more about Hakuba47 Ski Academy International – Hakuba Ski & Snowboard School (English, 中文)[…]

    Read more Hakuba47 Ski Academy International – Hakuba Ski & Snowboard School (English, 中文)
  • COVID-19

    2020-2021 Season To provide the safest experience for guests and employees under COVID-19, Hakuba47 Ski Academy International will run under the following conditions. We have stopped our automatic online scheduling and bookings this season to control the density of the school,  please inquire your lessons through booking@skijpn.com or message us vis Facebook messenger. Then, we will setRead more about COVID-19[…]

    Read more COVID-19


    School Rentals: Glove Rental        ¥500 Goggle Rental      ¥500 Helmet Rental      ¥500 Wrist Guards        ¥500 *You can rent these items at our School Centre. *Please book your items when you book lessons. Rental Option: Guest can rent gears with school discounts for the days you take lessons. Rental Set (Ski orRead more about Rental[…]

    Read more Rental
  • Cancellation Policy

    *Full refund for any cancellation made 7 days prior to the lessons. *10% of cancellation fee applied up until 3 days prior to the lessons. *50% of cancellation fee applied up until 1 day prior to the lessons. *No refund will be made for any cancellation made on the lesson day or no show. *Any promotional plan cannot be cancelled butRead more about Cancellation Policy[…]

    Read more Cancellation Policy


    白马47官方公众号 预定课程,巴士,租车,体验项目,酒店民宿 白马攻略 每周推新 索引 一、白马温泉 二、Snowshoe雪地徒步 三、温泉雪猴 四、松本市+松北城 五、日式文化一日体验 – 和服,茶道,折纸 六、日式寿司DIY体验 七、晚间和太鼓表演和敲击太鼓体验 一、白马温泉 Onsen 不是每个泡温泉的人都会滑雪 但绝大多滑雪的人都会泡温泉 若仅观参与人数,温泉恐怕是白马的头牌项目 我最喜欢的是室外温泉-rotenburos 寒冷的冬天,一边享受温泉 一边欣赏周围雄迈的北阿尔卑斯山脉 共4处泉眼供给白马村的天然温泉 泉水的特性各不相同 不同温度,颜色,成分,酸碱度带来不同功效 热气腾腾的碱性天然泉水不仅化解寒冷 更有促进血液循环,舒缓肌肉的保健功效 滑完雪泡一泡,解乏心情好 雪季营业时间延长,不乏24hr营业的 白马的公共浴室皆为男女分开 但部分温泉可以选购私人浴室 公共温泉对外价格多为500-800日元/次 肥皂沐浴后,裸体进入日本温泉 作为旅行热点,白马并不禁止刺青进入温泉 泡温泉时出汗增多,请注意及时补水 未来勾勾将带来白马温泉专题介绍 关注公众号,掌握最新推送 二、雪地徒步 Snowshoe 白马47价格 4500日元,包括租赁,往返吊箱票,随行指导 不滑雪的人可以玩,滑雪的人也可以玩 snowshoe是享受北阿尔卑斯神奇自然的完美方式 注意穿着保暖的衣裤和户外登山鞋 坐吊箱到达山顶后,你将在大山深处,穿梭于风景如画的语和开旷的平原之间。 走累了,有什么比坐在桌边,品尝美味的雪水煮茶更棒的休息呢? 原始,自然,简单,完美 三、温泉雪猴 Snow Monkeys 地狱谷是世界上唯一一个沐浴在温泉中的猴子的家园, 距离白马约1-1.5小时车程。 地狱谷位于长野县北方的志贺高原地区,标高850米,一年中有很长的时间被积雪覆盖,冬天积雪最深可达1米。在这里您可以近距离观察可爱的日本野生猴子们泡在温泉里的奇特景观。 人们看到温泉的蒸气缭绕在峡谷之中的景象彷彿地狱一般,于是将此地命名为「地狱谷」。要参观野雪猴须从停车场步行20-30分钟,参加此行程请穿着防水防滑的鞋子以确保您的安全。 参观雪猴最方便游览方式是当地的旅行团的一日游:白马出发,包括景点门票,传统日式午餐。除交雪猴外,旅行团往往包括其他的游览景点:松本城,小布施的善光寺或清酒酿酒厂等。一日游团的价格在成人10000日元,儿童8000日元,到成人15500日元,儿童11000日元不等。旅行社也有私人订制行程提供。 当然,您可以选择自由行,同样需要计划一整天的时间。仅需在八方公交站购买“长野雪场大巴+火车日票”,坐一小时的大巴到达长野站,换乘40分钟的去到雪猴公园的大巴。Read more about 【白马攻略】冬天除滑雪之外还能玩什么?[…]

    Read more 【白马攻略】冬天除滑雪之外还能玩什么?
  • 【课程】日本白马中英文滑雪课程 野雪树林 & 儿童托管式课程

    白马47滑雪学校服务整个白马地区 部分私教课程可上门接送 成人/儿童,单板/双板,私课/团课 接收4岁以上的滑雪学员 中文课程火爆 提早提前预定 咨询攻略 加入白马滑雪群 扫码加好友 双板课程等级 B1: 第一次滑雪的初学者 B2: 滑过雪的初学者: 会停,正在学习转弯,犁式或半犁式。 L: 已会转弯: 顺利滑行初级道,半犁式或将近平行,自如上下吊椅。 I: 初级平行: 可以在所有的初级道和部分中级道连续平行转弯。 A: 自如地在所有机压雪道上连续平行转弯。 单板课程等级 B1:第一次滑雪的初学者 B2:滑过雪的初学者: 会停,推坡 B3:初学转弯: 可用任一板刃落叶飘 L:在初级道连续转弯,自如上下吊椅。 I:可以在所有的初级道,和部分中级道连续转弯。 A:自如地在所有机压雪道上连续转弯。 【高级课程】野雪,超深粉雪,树林课程 价格为正常私教价格,请提前预定 18-19雪季,白马47国际滑雪学院特设野雪树林高级私教课程,帮助你更加安全地掌握道外滑行要领。 在白马47,有些“生手误入”的树林,这些树林充满挑战,但也有最深的无痕粉雪。指导员会带你安全地探索这些神秘的树林区域。 【Frank Club】儿童全包托管式课程 你在滑雪的时候,就把孩子安全地交给我们吧 白马47五龙的全托式儿童课程 包括整天课程,午餐和装备租赁 6岁以下免雪票 安全,乐趣,技巧 超值价格:15,000日元/天 白马47和五龙雪场的私教课程 1-3位学员总价格,3人以上每人另加 3,000日元 4小时及以上课程可中间穿插免费午餐时间 时间 价格(日元) 集合地点(接送耗时包含在课程时间里) 2 小时 20,000 白马47滑雪学校Read more about 【课程】日本白马中英文滑雪课程 野雪树林 & 儿童托管式课程[…]

    Read more 【课程】日本白马中英文滑雪课程 野雪树林 & 儿童托管式课程


    Add Wechat account: 466421621 to talk to Hakuba47 Academy International  Chinese/English customer service. 关注白马47   无痕粉雪滑不完 4代表4季,7代表一周7天 每天,每个季节,白马都是美的。 The name refers to the incredible 4 seasons of Hakuba, which guests can enjoy 7 days a week. 著名的Tateyama Kurobe 雪墙公路 How far can you see? 白马完美一日游 – 国宝松本城 唔~ 看到星星了么? 是云还是… 白马47五龙拥有白马地区最长的雪季 十二月至五月。雪道大多面向北,宜存雪 从山顶到山脚最长初级道6.4公里 中站开始的中级道,宽阔流畅 多片高级moguls 如果这些还满足你的胃口Read more about 【白马攻略】白马47为什么叫白马47?[…]

    Read more 【白马攻略】白马47为什么叫白马47?
  • 【Hakuba47 | 攻略】白马雪场概览

    Add Wechat account: 466421621 to talk to Hakuba47 Academy International  English/Chinese customer service. Like the snowflake, they are all beautiful in their own ways.          高山连绵不断的北阿尔卑斯山脉,雪海茫茫,蔚蓝的天空下,白马的9家雪场,组成了日本最大的滑雪度假村。白马所有雪场可一票畅滑,也可分别买票。白马本地有多条官方和雪场独立运营的巴士,大多免费。       雪场之间的车程皆在30分钟之内。如果时间充裕,每个雪场都去转转是最好不过的。但我们大多度假时间有限,既然本地交通如此方便,我们要如何选择雪场呢? 概览 最适合初学: 五龙, 栂池 最适合中级: 尾根, 岩岳,五龙 最适合高级: 尾根,47 最适合超高级: Cortina, 47 最佳公园: 47 最方便到达的后山: Cortina, 栂池 人最少: 鹿角山, 乘鞍 最大夜场:五龙 还有什么想知道的? 白马47国际滑雪学校开设中英文, 成人/儿童单/双板粉雪/道内课程Read more about 【Hakuba47 | 攻略】白马雪场概览[…]

    Read more 【Hakuba47 | 攻略】白马雪场概览

    How to wear your ski / snowboard boots

    It’s been snowing a lot at Hakuba47 and Hakuba Valley. Are you wearing your ski / snowboard boots properly? If you are beginners and have problems with stopping or controlling your skis (such as cannot turn well), 50% of the problems come from your boots. Therefore, we are going to show you how to wear your skiRead more about How to wear your ski / snowboard boots[…]

    Read more How to wear your ski / snowboard boots