2020-2021 Season

To provide the safest experience for guests and employees under COVID-19, Hakuba47 Ski Academy International will run under the following conditions.

We have stopped our automatic online scheduling and bookings this season to control the density of the school,  please inquire your lessons through or message us vis Facebook messenger. Then, we will set up an online completion of your booking. We open our school counter every day after Dec 19th, 2020 but your advanced booking would be appreciated. 

Our Valuable Guests

  1. Non contact temperature check will be held at the school center (including accompanying persons).  The temperature of the participants have to be under 37.5 degrees.
  2. Please fill out the health check sheet for the day (a fever, cough, malaise, taste or smell disorder etc)
  3. Those who have had a fever, cough, malaise, taste or smell disorder, etc. within the past 2 weeks from the date of the event cannot participate.
  4. Those who have traveled abroad within the past two weeks from the date of the event and those who have close contact with overseas residents cannot participate. 
  5. Please be sure to bring a mask etc. and wear it on the day of the event.
  6. Please corporate us to ensure the social distance at the reception. We will advise you to book online in advance. Please email your request to or message us vis Facebook messenger. Then, we will send your payment link
  7. Keep infection countermeasure such as cough etiquette, hand washing, and disinfection
  8. In order to avoid contact with other groups and reduce the risk of infection as much as possible, we will only offer private lessons until the situation improves.
Our Important Staff
  1. The temperature will be measured from 2 weeks before the date of working and has to be under 37.5℃.
  2. Temperatures are measured daily before entering the dormitory and school center and has to be under 37.5℃.
  3. Our instructors are prohibited from going out the night town (bars, pubs, drinking parties, dinner with more than 4) from 2 weeks before working at the mountain until leaving the mountain.
  4. Instructors who have traveled abroad within the past two weeks from the date of lessons, and who have close contact with overseas residents will not take lessons.
  5. Instructors who have had a fever, cough, malaise, taste and smell disorder within the past 2 weeks from the date of lesson will not take lessons unless the PCR test proves negative and the condition recovers.
  6. Wear a mask all the time.
  7. Ensure social distancing.  Always keep (and encourage guests to keep) the distance of at least 1.5 m from others.
  8. Follow the infection countermeasures such as cough etiquette, hand washing, and disinfection.
School as Organization
  1. If we have a positive in our business operation, we will provide necessary personal information to the public institutions such as public health centers to prevent from the spread of infection. 
  2. Our school does not usually have any indoor training or video meeting but in case we do, we will avoid three crowds (Sealed, dense, close).  If the environment is not prepared, we will not hold an indoor meeting.
1.  検温(同行者含む) により、37.5度以下である
2.  当日の健康チェックシートを記入
3.  開催日より過去2週間以内に発熱、咳、倦怠感、味覚嗅覚障害等、体調不良のあった方は参加できません。
4.  開催日より過去2週間以内に海外渡航歴がある方、また海外在住者との濃厚接触がある方は参加できません。
5.  開催当日は必ずマスク等を持参し、着用してください。
6.  受付時、待機列のお客様はソーシャルディスタンシングの確保にご協力お願いします。
7.  咳エチケットや手洗い、消毒等の感染対策に努めてください。  
8.  他グループとの接触を回避し、感染リスクをできるだけ下げる為、状況が改善されるまでは「プライベートレッスンのみ」とします。
  1. 入山日2週間前から検温を行い、37.5℃以下でなければなりません。
  2. 寮およびスクールセンターに入る前に毎日検温を行い、37.5℃以下でなければなりません。
  3. 弊社インストラクターは、夜の街(バーや居酒屋等、飲み会や会食)を入山2週間前から下山までは禁止とします。
  4. 開催日より過去2週間以内に海外渡航歴がある方、また海外在住者との濃厚接触があるインストラクターはレッスンを行いません。
  5. 開催日より過去2週間以内に発熱、咳、倦怠感、味覚嗅覚障害等、体調不良のあるインストラクターはレッスンを行いません。但し、CPR検査を行い陰性であり、かつ回復している場合を除きます。
  6. 必ずマスク等を持参し、着用します。
  7. ソーシャルディスタンシングの確保を行います。最低1.5mの距離を保ち、お客様にも推奨いたします。
  8. 咳エチケットや手洗い、消毒等の感染対策を行います。


  1. 事業参加者から陽性者が出た場合、必要に応じて感染拡大防止に必要となる個人情報を保健所等の公的機関に提供いたします。
  2. 基本的に、当スクールでは室内レッスン、ビデオミーティングは行いませんが、万が一必要となった場合は、三密(密閉、密集、密接)を避ける環境で行います。その環境が準備できない場合は屋内でのミーティングは行いません。

Hakuba47 Ski Academy International

Dec 1, 2020

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